Media & Publishing

Media & Publishing

Automatic invoicing  solves the challenges of the media industry

Media in the digital transition

Digitization has dominated the business processes in the media and publishing industry for many years.

New business areas are emerging, the competition between traditional media companies and digital-only publishers is steadily increasing, and services are converging.

Media companies no longer just offer content and advertising space, but also their own technology solutions.

Automated billing for the competitive edge

Financial process automation software – such as that from JustOn – enables media providers to monetize all aspects of their business.

Ad management for the advertising industry and subscriptions for their readers and users can be billed equally in a unified system.

This begins with the mapping of the contract model, continues with automatic invoicing and dunning through to the reconciliation of incoming payments with outstanding invoices and the transfer of data to accounting systems.

Special challenges for Media & Publishing

Media and publishing companies face these challenges, among others, when billing & invoicing for their services:

  • Automatic generation of a large number of outgoing invoices
  • Sales, customer retention and customer management
  • Segmentation into B2B and B2C customers
  • Combining subscription business with other business areas
  • Complexity of advertising orders
  • Operating digital marketplaces
  • Invoicing billions of clicks

JustOn offers solutions for media & publishing

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation – JustOn provides automatic reconciliation of payments and invoices in Salesforce.

Banking in Salesforce

JustOn offers banking in Salesforce via an bank integration, compliant with the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Billing Automation

Billing automation: Configure every contract model. JustOn retrieves relevant data from backend systems for generating digital invoices.

GoB and GoBD Compliance

The compliance of automated invoicing processes with the GoB and GOBD is the valid tax law basis in Germany.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management: JustOn automates digital invoice processes: preparation invoice data, generation, distribution and archiving of invoices.

Monthly Recurring Revenue

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the financial key figure in the subscription business, that gives a real-time view of the monthly revenue.

Payment via SEPA direct debit

JustOn offers the possibility to retrieve payment via SEPA direct debit. This function guarantees companies debiting of receivables.

Recurring Billing

Subscription billing, the recurring billing based on subscriptions and periodic contracts, is a strength of our software.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments for subscriptions ensure JustOn customers regular incoming payments and improve customer relationships.
All functions

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Professional Services

Professional Services

Automated financial processes for more focus on the core business

Digitization empowers knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS)

Professional services – as providers of knowledge-intensive and consulting services – are part of a growing industry.

Specific to this segment is the strong focus of its experts on their specialist tasks.

And this is where digitization can make the decisive difference.

Multiple areas of application

The industry is characterized by a particularly wide variety of application areas. These include, among others:

  • Management consulting
  • Human resources consulting
  • Engineering offices
  • Law firms
  • Financial Auditors
  • Advertising and marketing agencies
  • Software solution providers

Challenges for professional service provider

Particularly in professional services, it is essential to keep the high administrative workload to a minimum.

This is the only way the experts can focus on their core competencies: knowledge and consulting.

To get there, providers need digitized and thus automated processes for managing customers, projects, billing, invoicing and accounting.

JustOn offers solutions for professional services

Accounts Receivable

JustOn supports your accounts receivable management. Our software registers customer payments, manages credits, reminders, and receivables.

Analytics and Reports

JustOn evaluates your data via analytics and reports. It provides real-time overviews on finances and KPIs like revenue, cashflow and churn.

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation – JustOn provides automatic reconciliation of payments and invoices in Salesforce.

Banking in Salesforce

JustOn offers banking in Salesforce via an bank integration, compliant with the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Billing Automation

Billing automation: Configure every contract model. JustOn retrieves relevant data from backend systems for generating digital invoices.

GoB and GoBD Compliance

The compliance of automated invoicing processes with the GoB and GOBD is the valid tax law basis in Germany.

Integration with DATEV

The JustOn Connector for DATEV offers an integration with DATEV: Send booking data directly from Salesforce to the DATEV system.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management: JustOn automates digital invoice processes: preparation invoice data, generation, distribution and archiving of invoices.

SCHUFA Credit Information

Use our software to automatically retrieve SCHUFA credit information on your potential and your existing customers in Salesforce.
All functions

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Property Technologies

Property Technologies

Automated financials as base for stable business success

Technologization of the real estate sector

In the real estate industry – real estate services – areas of work are becoming increasingly digitalized.

The use of new technologies (property technologies) is automating traditional areas of the industry or offering the opportunity to offer new products and services.

The digital transformation is seen as a guarantee for the future of traditional real estate services, as the automation of key processes minimizes administrative costs and the core business can be expanded and optimized with the resources gained.

Property Technologies

Property technologies – or PropTechs for short – have become the digital future of the real estate industry. They bring innovative products and services to the market.

Using the latest information and communication technologies, they optimize traditional areas of the real estate industry or develop innovative business models in new areas.

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Office & Facility Management

Office and facility management is a specialized market within the area of property technologies, which has developed into a strong, independent industry over the past decades.

The industry’s portfolio now includes not only facility maintenance, property cleaning and asset management, but also a wide range of other services around buildings, homes and offices. They include, for example, security services, coffee deliveries or indoor plant rentals.

Managing intelligent facility technologies will soon become a key area of this industry.

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Areas of application

  • Real estate brokerage and marketing
  • Financing and investments
  • Property management, cleaning and administration
  • Supply of office materials
  • Offering innovative building technologies
  • Developing construction projects
  • Smart building and smart home
  • Mobility in the real estate industry

Automated billing & invoicing

PropTechs must reduce administrative costs as much as possible in order to fully exploit the opportunities offered by these core areas.

The way to success is to automate time-consuming processes such as invoicing, dunning and accounting.

The direct integration of data collection systems with highly specialized billing solutions is particularly recommended in the area of intelligent building technologies.

Challenges for PropTechs

Property technology providers face the following specific challenges when automating their financial processes:

  • Automatic generation of a large number of outgoing invoices
  • Monetizing complex and individual pricing models based on subscriptions, one-time payments, commissions and discounts
  • Tax-compliant invoicing worldwide
  • Recording, processing and billing consumption data
  • Transparency in billing – informative billing
  • Flexibility in pricing

JustOn offers solutions for PropTechs

Accounts Receivable

JustOn supports your accounts receivable management. Our software registers customer payments, manages credits, reminders, and receivables.

Analytics and Reports

JustOn evaluates your data via analytics and reports. It provides real-time overviews on finances and KPIs like revenue, cashflow and churn.

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation – JustOn provides automatic reconciliation of payments and invoices in Salesforce.

Banking in Salesforce

JustOn offers banking in Salesforce via an bank integration, compliant with the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Billing Automation

Billing automation: Configure every contract model. JustOn retrieves relevant data from backend systems for generating digital invoices.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management: JustOn automates digital invoice processes: preparation invoice data, generation, distribution and archiving of invoices.

Monthly Recurring Revenue

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the financial key figure in the subscription business, that gives a real-time view of the monthly revenue.

Payment via SEPA direct debit

JustOn offers the possibility to retrieve payment via SEPA direct debit. This function guarantees companies debiting of receivables.

Recurring Billing

Subscription billing, the recurring billing based on subscriptions and periodic contracts, is a strength of our software.
All functions

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Software as a Service

Software as a Service

Automated financial processes for more growth

Business model of the future

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a growing industry and one of the major business sectors of the future.

SaaS, as an area of cloud computing, is a distribution model through which you offer software as a service.

To a large extent, the success of this business model depends on the level of administrative effort and therefore on the ability to automate it.

Automated billing & invoicing

For SaaS, the automation of billing processes, invoice mangement and accounts receivable management is particularly suitable. 

This way, SaaS providers can save significant amounts of time and money and then profitably use these resources to expand their services.

Special challenges for SaaS

Software as a Service providers face these challenges, among others, in billing for their services:

  • Automatic generation of a large number of outgoing invoices
  • Mapping complex business models and flexibility in customization
  • Billing recurring licenses, one-time products and services as well as consumption-based data
  • Support for multiple payment methods
  • Tax-compliant invoicing worldwide

JustOn offers functions for SaaS

Analytics and Reports

JustOn evaluates your data via analytics and reports. It provides real-time overviews on finances and KPIs like revenue, cashflow and churn.

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation – JustOn provides automatic reconciliation of payments and invoices in Salesforce.

Banking in Salesforce

JustOn offers banking in Salesforce via an bank integration, compliant with the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Billing Automation

Billing automation: Configure every contract model. JustOn retrieves relevant data from backend systems for generating digital invoices.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management: JustOn automates digital invoice processes: preparation invoice data, generation, distribution and archiving of invoices.

Monthly Recurring Revenue

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the financial key figure in the subscription business, that gives a real-time view of the monthly revenue.

Payment via Payment Provider

Payment via payment provider: JustOn offers integrations to the PSPs Mollie and Adyen, through which your customers can pay directly.

Recurring Billing

Subscription billing, the recurring billing based on subscriptions and periodic contracts, is a strength of our software.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments for subscriptions ensure JustOn customers regular incoming payments and improve customer relationships.
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Non-Profit Organizations

Digital Processes for non-profit organizations

Less administration and doing more good

Passion versus administration

Many people are passionately engaged in non-profit organizations for social, cultural, sporting and scientific purposes.

Although non-profit organizations do not operate for profit, they have to fund themselves and organize their financial processes.

Fundraising and donation management, accounting and membership administration mean a lot of effort on the one hand and, on the other, a lack of time for the organization’s good cause.

Process automation

JustOn products for non-profits digitizes these complex processes and helps non-profit organizations to better focus on their core activities.

All data resides in a single system that not only automates financial processes, but also allows the organizations to build stable relationships with supporters, members and partners.

With our solutions for non-profits, non-profit organizations save time and money: Resources that were previously spent on donation management, accounting and other administrative areas can be spend on their actual tasks of the organization or new fundraising campaigns.

Digitization is affordable

We offer discounted software licenses and our accounting and billing expertise to non-profit organizations.

In addition, organizations benefit from the seamless integration with Salesforce CRM and thus from the Nonprofit Success Pack, which has been specifically designed by Salesforce. Non-profit organizations can apply for free and discounted software licenses on

Challenges for non-profits

Non-profit organizations face the following challenges when automating their financial processes:

  • Digital capturing and managing sponsors, donors, members and partners
  • Generation of outgoing invoices
  • Automatic SEPA direct debit
  • Managing incoming payments (membership fees, donations and grants)
    Generating and distributing donation receipts and thank-you letters
  • Processing incoming invoices
  • Direkt data transfer to DATEV or tax consultants

JustOn offers solutions for non-profits

Accounts Receivable

JustOn supports your accounts receivable management. Our software registers customer payments, manages credits, reminders, and receivables.

Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation – JustOn provides automatic reconciliation of payments and invoices in Salesforce.

Banking in Salesforce

JustOn offers banking in Salesforce via an bank integration, compliant with the Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS).

Integration with DATEV

The JustOn Connector for DATEV offers an integration with DATEV: Send booking data directly from Salesforce to the DATEV system.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management: JustOn automates digital invoice processes: preparation invoice data, generation, distribution and archiving of invoices.

Payment via SEPA direct debit

JustOn offers the possibility to retrieve payment via SEPA direct debit. This function guarantees companies debiting of receivables.
All functions

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