JustOn Billing & Invoice


JustOn Billing & Invoice Management for Salesforce

Automatic billing & invoicing in Salesforce


JustOn Billing & Invoice Management automates your billing, invoicing & accounts receivable. 


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Digital order to cash process in Salesforce


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you can configure every contract and pricing model. Our billing software retrieves all relevant data from your backend systems as the basis for the invoice and e-invoice generation.


JustOn Billing & Invoice Management completely automates the digital invoice process. Our solution prepares the invoice data, and generates, distributes, and archives your invoices and e-invoices.


JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports your accounts receivable management. Our software registers all customer payments, manages credits, reminders, and receivables.

Finanzanalysen und Prognosen

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management evaluates your data. It provides real-time overviews on your finances and KPIs like revenue, cashflow and customer churn rate.

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Billing Automation

Configure any Business Model

In JustOn, you define your contract models, fast and clear. The software automatically retrieves all relevant data from your backend systems as the basis for the invoice and e-invoice generation.

Flexible Configuration and Individual Customization

JustOn allows for setting up and monetizing every pricing or business model. The software is flexibly configurable and can be individually adapted to your business needs.

Future-Proof Billing Solution

Invoicing recurring services, one-time payments or usage data: JustOn is the perfect solution for billing and invoicing subscriptions, commissions or marketplace scenarios.

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Invoice Management

Generating Invoices and Credits

JustOn automatically generates invoices and e-invoices from your data in your corporate design. Of course, it also creates pro forma invoices and deposit invoices, as well as credits.

Tax-Compliant Invoicing, Worldwide

Configure different tax classes for your products and services, and invoice them worldwide in compliance with the relevant tax regulations. JustOn provides an internal tax calculation, and it can use precalculated taxes from external systems or integrate with tax providers.

Distributing and Archiving Invoices

JustOn supports the invoice distribution via mail or e-mail (PDF) and the integration with e-invoice services. Our software automatically archives your invoices and can upload them to cloud storage services.

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Accounts Receivable

Viewing Balances

Invoices, credits, payments, reminder fees etc. create balance records. Consequently, balances show debits and credits for each account.

Registering Payments and Reminding Overdue Amounts

JustOn registers incoming payments from external systems and assigns them to invoices. The software automatically generates and sends reminders for outstanding payments.

Integrating With Accounting Systems

JustOn integrates nicely with accounting systems like SAP, Sage or DATEV, making the booking data transfer to your accounting or tax consultants perfectly easy.

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Analytics and Reports

Financial Reporting Produces Growth

With JustOn, you keep track of finances, customers and key performance indicators. Real-time views help you to generate new offerings and to improve the customer loyalty.

Real-Time Revenue Overview

JustOn continously generates invoices and allows instant access to your revenue data. On this basis, you can purposefully control your company using financial metrics. JustOn provides preconfigured reports, which you can easily adjust to your needs.

Forecasting Future Earnings

JustOn enhances the analytics and reporting capabilities to include contract-based data, providing insights into relevant KPIs, such as MRR, CLV, or churn, and enabling a real-time preview of your expected revenue.

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Automatic financial processes for your industry

  • Your industry solution
  • Media & Publishing
  • Professional Services
  • Property Technologies
  • Software as a Service
  • Non-Profit Organizations

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