Payment via SEPA direct debit

Payment via SEPA direct debit

SEPA direct debit for recurring payments

Recurring payment via SEPA direct debit

To effectively process recurring payments, it makes sense for companies and customers to settle the payment via SEPA direct debit.

A SEPA direct debit mandate allows the payee to debit the amount as agreed in the contract from the payer’s account by direct debit. At the same time, the payer’s bank is authorized to pay the amount.

Import and verification of SEPA mandates

JustOn supports the fast and easy import of your customers’ SEPA mandates.

Our software validates the format and structure of the IBAN and BIC and saves the mandate as well as the bank details in the customer’s account. This information is linked to the receivables. If payments are due, they can now be collected conveniently by direct debit.

If the customer already has a SEPA mandate, this is also visible with all the information in the customer’s account.

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Recurring Billing

Recurring Billing

Recurring billing of subscriptions in Salesforce

Recurring billing – a model for success

Subscription billing – the recurring billing based on subscriptions and periodic contracts – is a particular strength of our software. Creating recurring invoices is based on an automated process that enables companies to generate and send invoices to their customers at regular intervals.

Recurring billing is an important part of the subscription management, the most successful business model of our time. This model owes its success to several key advantages it offers companies and customers compared to one-time sales.

Benefits of Subscription Billing

A subscription model allows companies to combine details like products, prices and terms in one contract, the billing of which can be easily automated. Using subscriptions, end customers are given the flexibility to buy products and services precisely according to their own needs.

These contracts, which are typical for subscription management, offer further benefits for companies and their customers: Through regularly receiving payments, companies can better assess their liquidity, prospectively plan their finances, and build long-term customer relationships. Customers, on the other hand, benefit from predictable, regular and constant expenses and their planning over a long term.

Subscriptions as basis for recurring billing

Subscription contracts record and manage all data relevant to billing:

  • Items in the form of products or services
  • Pricing model including price tiers, discounts and automatic price increases
  • Options for installments
  • Start and end dates of the contract
  • Due dates

The subscription becomes the billing plan for both parties. From the subscription, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management collects all the invoicing-relevant data and creates your invoices via an automatic invoice run.

To this end, it combines account information such as name and address with the products booked in the subscription contract, the pricing model and the due dates.

From invoice to payment

The regular generation of recurring invoices is seamlessly followed by the distribution to customers, SEPA direct debit collection, automatic verification of incoming payments, receivables management via an automated dunning run, and payment reconciliation.

Customers can pay their invoices directly via the payment page of JustOn Cash Management or, in prospectively issue a SEPA mandate for direct debit collection.

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Billing Automation

Billing automation

Billing automation for digital business models


Billing automation as solid basis

Contracts and billing automation are the basis of any business. Whether your business model is based on recurring billing (subscription), one-time sales of products and services, or usage-based data: You monetize these models or combinations of them directly via JustOn.

That is why the software is ideal for monetizing innovative business models, based on subscriptions, commissions and marketplace scenarios.

JustOn automatically retrieves all relevant data from your CRM, ERP, project management or issue tracking systems as the basis for the invoice generation.

Mapping any contract model

In JustOn, you model your contracts manually or have them built automatically. The resulting billing plans make up the „blueprints“ for the future invoices. They combine the relevant customer data with the details of the products or services to be charged, which will figure as invoice line items on the created invoices.

JustOn allows for flexibly creating contracts, supporting

  • Service periods
  • Automatic renewals
  • Cancellation terms
  • Rule-based price increases

You can also create invoices directly from arbitrary objects or opportunities, bypassing the billing plans.

Unlimited Pricing Options

Using JustOn, you quickly set up and monetize every pricing or business model. The software includes multiple preconfigured models and provides the possibility to configure new models according to your needs. Define your pricing models and billing periods, keeping the option to modify or adjust them according to your business and processes.

JustOn provides unlimited possibilities to configure your product and service offering. Without great effort, you define any pricing and billing models:

  • One-time payments for products and services
  • Reccuring billing for subscriptions
  • Usage-based billing (time, clicks, numbers, orders)
  • Commission-based contracts (revenue, quantity)
  • Flat rates and tiered prices
  • Quantity discounts or bundled pricing with a minimum fee
  • Prices with start and end dates
  • Payment plans (installments)

Subscriptions, commissions and marketplaces

ou run a marketplace, sell subscriptions or invoice service packages in combination with individual usage data? In any case, JustOn is the perfect billing solution for your business model. Several recipients, multiple currencies or different languages do not cause problems.

Innovative, forward-looking business ideas are characterized by flexibility. With JustOn, you flexibly model your business scenarios so that they always meet the rapidly changing market conditions and customer needs in the best possible way.

Flexible pricing models and wide-range offerings improve the customer relationship and drive your economic success.

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Invoice Management

Invoice Management

Invoicing in Salesforce: Digital, fast, correct

Automatic Invoice Generation

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management handles your invoicing process and offers an efficient invoice management in Salesforce.

The software automatically captures customer and contract data as well as product and price information from your backend systems – Salesforce or other CRMs, ERP, project management or issue tracking systems.

It prepares this data, and generates, distributes and archives your invoices.

In all cases, you define the billing details, the level of automation and the invoice design.

Automatic Invoice Run

The invoice run is the core concept of JustOn’s invoice management. Based on the retrieved data, it generates invoices, pro forma invoices or credits, where you always determine the level of automation.

  • The automatic invoice run performs the following steps of the invoice management:
  • Retrieving customer and contract data
  • Retrieving product and price information
  • Preparing invoice data
  • Generating and updating draft invoices
  • Updating draft invoices
  • Generating invoices, pro forma invoices and credits

Cancellations, credits & more

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management also allows for:

  • Canceling invoices
  • Creating invoices manually
  • Triggering partial credits, settlements or refunds
  • Defining invoice runs for different invoicing periods
  • Starting invoice runs manually or automatically
  • Centrally generating invoices for multiple subsidiaries

Invoices in your Corporate Design

With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you create invoices exactly as you need. The software offers versatile layout and design options, and ships multiple invoice templates, which you can adjust to your corporate design.

In detail, JustOn provides:

  • Versatile options for your invoice layout and design
  • Options for defining e-mail content
  • Support for many languages
  • Multiple number and data formats
  • Multiple options to display usage data
  • Different layouts for multiple tenants or subsidiaries

Tax compliant invoices

Tax-compliant billing & invoicing: Companies can overcome this hurdle by automating their financial processes with JustOn.

Tax law requirements, national, European and international tax rates and other relevant tax rules can be solved with the help of JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

The software enables companies to comply with the GoB and GoBD as the tax law basis in Germany, to check VAT identification numbers for cross-border transactions within the EU, or bill in compliance with North American tax rules for trade relations with the USA and Canada.

Invoice distribution and storage

JustOn automatically distributes and archives your invoices. Choose the variant your customers want from different distribution channels.

JustOn supports multiple channels for distributing invoices:

  • Distribution via mail
  • E-mail distribution of PDF documents
  • Integration with e-invoicing services like Basware and Crossinx
  • Upload to cloud storage services like Google Drive or Amazon S3
  • Convenient invoice archiving
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Monthly Recurring Revenue

Monthly recurring revenue

Monthly recurring revenue as key performance indicator

The MRR as KPI in the subscription business

The Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is one of the most important financial metrics in the subscription business.

The MRR is the key figure that gives you a real-time view of your monthly subscription revenue. From this metric, you can deduce the financial situation of your company – from which you can then create plans for business growth.

The Monthly Recurring Revenue prospectively captures the revenue that a company generates from all active subscriptions in a given month. This calculation includes recurring payments, discounts and benefits, but not one-time payments.

The month as basis for reviewing recurring revenue

In the subscription business context, a month is the appropriate period to measure growth. MRR is suitable for reviewing recurring revenue and ensuring a steady cash flow each month. In addition, MRR metric allows companies to see at a glance how many new customers have signed up and how many have churned.

Recording the monthly recurring revenue shows the current situation and highlights trends. Thus, this key figure facilitates both the retrospective and the forecast of future revenues.

Of course, the MRR also helps – by comparing monthly revenues and expenses – to estimate the available resources and to make budget planning decisions (as to increase expenses or save money).

MRR Reporting

Because of the benefits that MRR brings to the subscription business, our software offers a special reporting function that captures the MRR.

The MRR reporting delivers detailed results and makes revenue forecasts, from which you can derive actions and steps to support the growth of your business.

Breakdown of the MRR in reporting

However, capturing the MRR only makes sense if you go beyond a simple calculation and break it down into different values of MRR in the analysis. In this way, the development of the business can be analyzed more precisely.

One advantage, for example, is to separately record additional monthly revenue from new customers or from the expansion of services for existing customers, as well as the loss of revenue due to customer churn, and to include this in the overall analysis.

Differentiation of MRR

For reporting purposes, our software allows to determine the following values of MRR:

  • Actual MRR
  • Initial MRR
  • Previous MRR
  • Change MRR
  • Smooth Change MRR
  • Expansion MRR
  • Churn MRR

For more information on the MRR survey and other key performance indicators, please refer to our technical documentation.

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Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable

Reliable payment and accounts receivables management

Automatic accounts receivable

JustOn solves your challenges in accounts receivable management.

The software controls the process from booking an invoice, to checking the incoming payment, managing credits, creating reminders, and to registering and booking the payment receipt.

Preconfigured revenue reports help you to find late payments and to remind outstanding amounts.

Balance overview

Balance overviews and revenue reports show all customer transactions at a glance, be it debits or credits. The 360-degree customer view facilitates your account management.

With JustOn you always have a clear view on your customer’s balance records:

  • Invoices
  • Credits
  • Payment transactions
  • Refunds
  • Prepayments
  • Dunning reminder fees

Fast and correct payment registration

JustOn registers incoming payments from external systems and assigns them to invoices.

Preconfigured interfaces to payment providers allow faster payments:

  • Mollie
  • Adyen

JustOn also supports payments, payment management and payment reconciliation by

Reliable dunning process

The software automatically generates and sends reminders for outstanding payments. This helps accelerating account settlement.

  • The integrated dunning feature supports you in
  • Tracking and
  • Claiming outstanding payments

In the dunning proccess, you define how your customers have to settle due amounts:

  • Dunning levels
  • Payment due dates
  • Dunning fees

Data transfer in accounting systems

Use the JustOn integrations to external accounting systems like DATEV, SAP or Sage. This makes it perfectly easy to directly transfer invoices, payment data and relevant booking details to your tax consultants.

In this context, JustOn supports you by

  • Generating booking details for invoices
  • Exporting invoices to CSV files
  • Generating account statements that summarize the transactions of a customer for a certain period
  • Performing the initial account assignment

Direct data transfer to DATEV

The JustOn Connector for DATEV, made by JustOn and DATEV, provides for a secure and direct transfer of bookkeeping data from JustOn to DATEV Unternehmen online.

Use the JustOn Connector for DATEV to transfer all documents and relevant accounting data to the DATEV systems and thus to your tax consultancy.

Take a test drive or install our free 30 days trial: you get it on Salesforce marketplace AppExchange.

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Banking in Salesforce

Banking in Salesforce

Automatic EBICS-compliant banking in Salesforce

Automatic Banking in Salesforce

JustOn Cash Management enables EBICS-compliant banking and thus automatic, secure data exchange between Salesforce CRM or Salesforce applications and banks.

In compliance with the European Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS), companies can use the app to manage incoming payments, trigger SEPA direct debits and reconcile transactions automatically.

Protection for sensitive financial data

The bank connection via the European communication standard EBICS guarantees the best possible protection for sensitive financial data and enables flexible communication with multiple banks (multibanking).

The EBICS-compliant bank integration receives payment information directly without third-party providers, imports it into Salesforce CRM and matches it to the corresponding outstanding receivable.


Overview of all banking data

Automatic banking via JustOn Cash Management offers one advantage above all.

All bank data, i.e. outgoing and incoming payments are mapped transparently, providing an overview of cash flow at all times.

Native Salesforce development

The bank integration, developed natively on Salesforce, integrates seamlessly with other JustOn products and all major ISV applications available on the Salesforce marketplace AppExchange – including Salesforce CPQ & Billing and Salesforce Order Management, as well as any custom object that maps a receivable.

Users work in the familiar Salesforce user interface with the security and effectiveness of the world’s best CRM platform.

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Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation

Matching of payments with invoices in Salesforce

Payment reconciliation via online banking

JustOn Cash Management connects your bank accounts via an EBICS-compliant integration with Salesforce and checks the incoming payments. It does not matter whether the payment was effected via a payment service provider, a SEPA direct debit or directly.

The system automatically matches incoming payments to your receivables stored in Salesforce. After successful matching, it completes the settlement, reconciling the receivables with the payments.

Direct connection to dunning processes

If payments have not been received, the system can n ow trigger the automatic dunning run to generate and send reminders and dunning letters.

Of course, you can use the automatic payment reconciliation and the following dunning process regardless of location and at any time, as they are 100% integrated into the Salesforce platform.

KPI at a glance

Automatic payment reconciliation is an important basis for successful liquidity management: It ensures that payments are received reliably and on time.

The extensive analysis functions of our software are helpful in this regard. Preconfigured or individual reports give you an overview of all transactions and your current cash flow. In addition, the analysis of the payment reconciliation helps you to make forecasts on customer churn.

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Analytics and Reports

Analytics and Reports

Data analytics for successful liquidity management

Key metrics at a glance

In addition to the automatic invoicing & payment management, JustOn offers a flexible analytics system.

Using preconfigured reports, which you can easily adjust to your needs, you always keep track of finances, customers and key performance indicators.

Data evaluation becomes the basis for creating value and new business models, thus becoming a genuine value itself.

Real-time revenue data

JustOn gives you real-time access to your revenue data. On this basis, you can develop new business models, improve the customer loyality and control your company purposefully using financial metrics.

The automated reporting system of JustOn shows for example insights into recurring revenue, one-time revenue and usage-based data.

The consistent use and analysis of data becomes an important driving force for your company’s growth.

Overview of revenues and KPI

Our data analytics and reports not only give you an overview of your revenues, but also of all relevant key performance indicators (KPI).

Automated reports and analyses also enable you to evaluate key performance indicators in a well-founded manner:

360-Degree Customer View

Analytics and reports are gaining ever more importance with respect to the customer and the customer churn. Transparent reports show the payment behaviour, which can be used to forecast future customer behavior, detect customer churn at an early stage and, at best, prevent it.

JustOn offers a reporting system, that combines different data:

  • Customer and usage-based data
  • Trouble ticket and order management data
  • Invoicing and accounting data

Based on customized reports, you can create customer profiles that help you to improve the customer loyality.

Data analysis as key to success

The JustOn analytics system enables revenue forecasts, becoming the sound base for the future development of your business, your products and services.

The enhanced analytics and reporting capabilities, which include contract-based data, and the view on relevant key indicators allow you to generate, for example, real-time previews of expected revenue based on current contracts or subscriptions.

JustOn also considers the accrued liabilities. The accrual represents a particular challenge in revenue forecasting because sales are not always posted in the period in which they are settled (revenue recognition).

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