Payment via Payment Provider

Payment via Payment Provider

Integrated payment service provider for direct online payments

Advantages of payment providers

A payment service provider (PSP) – also known as a payment gateway – is a service provider that offers companies the technical integration of various payment types.

PSPs automate online payments and are therefore an important basis for online sales. They make it easier for companies to sell products and services, as they offer their customers multiple payment methods via a single contractual partner – including common payment methods such as purchase on account, SEPA direct debit, payment with credit and debit cards such as Visa or MasterCard, or online payment systems like PayPal.

Using a payment service provider saves time and money and offers both companies and their customers security.

Mollie und Adyen

JustOn therefore offers companies integrations to popular and secure payment service providers:

  • Mollie
  • Adyen

Our product JustOn Cash Management integrates these payment service providers into your Salesforce org in order to exchange payment data via. This enables your customers of pay for purchases of products or services using a payment page.

Find out more about the technical details and requirements in our technical documentation.

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Payment via SEPA direct debit

Payment via SEPA direct debit

SEPA direct debit for recurring payments

Recurring payment via SEPA direct debit

To effectively process recurring payments, it makes sense for companies and customers to settle the payment via SEPA direct debit.

A SEPA direct debit mandate allows the payee to debit the amount as agreed in the contract from the payer’s account by direct debit. At the same time, the payer’s bank is authorized to pay the amount.

Import and verification of SEPA mandates

JustOn supports the fast and easy import of your customers’ SEPA mandates.

Our software validates the format and structure of the IBAN and BIC and saves the mandate as well as the bank details in the customer’s account. This information is linked to the receivables. If payments are due, they can now be collected conveniently by direct debit.

If the customer already has a SEPA mandate, this is also visible with all the information in the customer’s account.

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Recurring Payments

Recurring payments

Payments for Subscriptions

Recurring payments ensure regular incoming payment

Recurring payments are the payments that are due when subscriptions are billed. They are to be repeated on a regular basis or at specified times within certain periods.

Common practices include, for example, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments, which are booked at the same intervals. This results – for example – in monthly recurring revenue (MRR), which is an important key performance indicator in the subscription business. Recurring payments offer the same benefits to companies and their customers as recurring billing.

Wide variety of payment options

JustOn offers users automatic SEPA direct debit and integrations with well-known payment providers such as Adyen and Mollie. Recurring payments are automatically debited.

The payment providers Adyen and Mollie provide numerous payment methods (Apple Pay, PayPal, Visa, etc.) that you can make available to your customers.

Less administrative effort and more certainty in liquidity planning

Companies benefit from recurring payments made by their customers for several reasons.

On the one hand, payments are received on time, eliminating the need for reminders or dunning letters. The receipt of recurring payments is easier to verify and the payment reconciliation can be automated. The company saves on administrative effort and has more time available for core tasks.

On the other hand, revenues can be reliably planned. Recurring payments based on subscriptions make up a solid foundation for successful liquidity management. It is easy to estimate revenues precisely (e.g., via MRR reports), the cash flow is steady, and even customer churn is easier to take into account in financial planning.

Better customer relations

Of course, there are benefits for customers as well.

After a one-time entry of invoice data, the data is periodically transferred and the amounts are debited on the fixed billing dates via the selected payment method. This saves customers time-consuming manual transfers.

Customers can be sure that their money is transferred directly from the bank or via payment service providers and that their sensitive financial data is stored securely.

In this way, recurring payment processes improve the relationship between companies and customers.

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EBICS-compliant connection to multiple banks

Multibanking über JustOn Bank Payments für Salesforce

All bank accounts at a glance

Many companies use multiple bank accounts to organize income and expenses according to their purposes and in a meaningful way. While the decision to opt for multibanking is correct to some extent, it does involve a high level of administrative effort and is very prone to errors.

Thanks to the multibanking function of JustOn Cash Management, you are able to access all bank accounts via one platform.

With a single login, you retrieve account statements, make transfers, collect SEPA direct debits and reconcile incoming payments with open payment requests – for accounts and cards in multiple banks.

EBICS Banking

Especially in multibanking, the protection of financial data plays a major role. Our software ensures this data protection through a bank integration that is compliant to the European communication standard EBICS.

Electronic banking via EBICS meets the requirements for secure and flexible communication with all listed banks and credit institutions.

The automatic data transfer between Salesforce and your bank accounts reduces your administrative effort and thus increases the effectiveness of your processes.


Benefits for the liquidity management

Besides the time-saving access to multiple bank accounts, multibanking offers another key benefit.

Your finance department always keeps an up-to-date overview of all liquid assets, can precisely track each single transaction, and thus maintains a real-time overview of the cash flow. This data supports financial planning and simplifies the systematic planning and control of financial resources in liquidity management.

Native development on Salesforce

The bank integration – developed natively on Salesforce – integrates seamlessly with other JustOn products and all major ISV applications available on the Salesforce marketplace AppExchange – including Salesforce CPQ & Billing and Salesforce Order Management, as well as any custom object that maps a receivable.

Users work in the familiar Salesforce user interface with the security and effectiveness of the world’s best CRM platform.

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Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable

Reliable payment and accounts receivables management

Automatic accounts receivable

JustOn solves your challenges in accounts receivable management.

The software controls the process from booking an invoice, to checking the incoming payment, managing credits, creating reminders, and to registering and booking the payment receipt.

Preconfigured revenue reports help you to find late payments and to remind outstanding amounts.

Balance overview

Balance overviews and revenue reports show all customer transactions at a glance, be it debits or credits. The 360-degree customer view facilitates your account management.

With JustOn you always have a clear view on your customer’s balance records:

  • Invoices
  • Credits
  • Payment transactions
  • Refunds
  • Prepayments
  • Dunning reminder fees

Fast and correct payment registration

JustOn registers incoming payments from external systems and assigns them to invoices.

Preconfigured interfaces to payment providers allow faster payments:

  • Mollie
  • Adyen

JustOn also supports payments, payment management and payment reconciliation by

Reliable dunning process

The software automatically generates and sends reminders for outstanding payments. This helps accelerating account settlement.

  • The integrated dunning feature supports you in
  • Tracking and
  • Claiming outstanding payments

In the dunning proccess, you define how your customers have to settle due amounts:

  • Dunning levels
  • Payment due dates
  • Dunning fees

Data transfer in accounting systems

Use the JustOn integrations to external accounting systems like DATEV, SAP or Sage. This makes it perfectly easy to directly transfer invoices, payment data and relevant booking details to your tax consultants.

In this context, JustOn supports you by

  • Generating booking details for invoices
  • Exporting invoices to CSV files
  • Generating account statements that summarize the transactions of a customer for a certain period
  • Performing the initial account assignment

Direct data transfer to DATEV

The JustOn Connector for DATEV, made by JustOn and DATEV, provides for a secure and direct transfer of bookkeeping data from JustOn to DATEV Unternehmen online.

Use the JustOn Connector for DATEV to transfer all documents and relevant accounting data to the DATEV systems and thus to your tax consultancy.

Take a test drive or install our free 30 days trial: you get it on Salesforce marketplace AppExchange.

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Banking in Salesforce

Banking in Salesforce

Automatic EBICS-compliant banking in Salesforce

Automatic Banking in Salesforce

JustOn Cash Management enables EBICS-compliant banking and thus automatic, secure data exchange between Salesforce CRM or Salesforce applications and banks.

In compliance with the European Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS), companies can use the app to manage incoming payments, trigger SEPA direct debits and reconcile transactions automatically.

Protection for sensitive financial data

The bank connection via the European communication standard EBICS guarantees the best possible protection for sensitive financial data and enables flexible communication with multiple banks (multibanking).

The EBICS-compliant bank integration receives payment information directly without third-party providers, imports it into Salesforce CRM and matches it to the corresponding outstanding receivable.


Overview of all banking data

Automatic banking via JustOn Cash Management offers one advantage above all.

All bank data, i.e. outgoing and incoming payments are mapped transparently, providing an overview of cash flow at all times.

Native Salesforce development

The bank integration, developed natively on Salesforce, integrates seamlessly with other JustOn products and all major ISV applications available on the Salesforce marketplace AppExchange – including Salesforce CPQ & Billing and Salesforce Order Management, as well as any custom object that maps a receivable.

Users work in the familiar Salesforce user interface with the security and effectiveness of the world’s best CRM platform.

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Automatic Payment Reconciliation

Automatic payment reconciliation

Matching of payments with invoices in Salesforce

Payment reconciliation via online banking

JustOn Cash Management connects your bank accounts via an EBICS-compliant integration with Salesforce and checks the incoming payments. It does not matter whether the payment was effected via a payment service provider, a SEPA direct debit or directly.

The system automatically matches incoming payments to your receivables stored in Salesforce. After successful matching, it completes the settlement, reconciling the receivables with the payments.

Direct connection to dunning processes

If payments have not been received, the system can n ow trigger the automatic dunning run to generate and send reminders and dunning letters.

Of course, you can use the automatic payment reconciliation and the following dunning process regardless of location and at any time, as they are 100% integrated into the Salesforce platform.

KPI at a glance

Automatic payment reconciliation is an important basis for successful liquidity management: It ensures that payments are received reliably and on time.

The extensive analysis functions of our software are helpful in this regard. Preconfigured or individual reports give you an overview of all transactions and your current cash flow. In addition, the analysis of the payment reconciliation helps you to make forecasts on customer churn.

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